Driving Tips For PDR Jobs In October

Driving Tips For PDR Jobs In October

Driving Tips For PDR Jobs In October

Whether commuting to jobs or in a shop, help protect trick-or-treaters and pedestrians by following these driving safety tips on Halloween and throughout October. The month of October is known as a time of masks, costumes, candy, and sadly also vehicle accidents. Paintless dent repair technicians seem to get interesting calls about damages in need of repair from prankster kids throwing rocks to annoyed parents driving to the next trick-or-treat locations. So here are B&D’s driving tips for PDR jobs in October.

Drive cautiously and don’t pass stopped cars

A stopped car might be dropping off children that are in your blind spots or hard to see. A sudden move to pass the car could cause a fatality. No paintless dent removal job is more important than safety. Remain calm in the traffic and in children candy chaos.

Watch for children and yield to young pedestrians

Sudden deaths can occur when not paying attention to your surroundings. Sudden darting kids and young pedestrians need extra caution because they are still learning street safety.

Put down the phone

Avoiding distractions seems easy but in this cyber world it can be a tease not to answer a client. However, for your safety and the safety of other it’s best to wait until you’ve stopped to respond to paintless dent repair clients. Many social media and car apps have automatic responses that keep your pdr clients engaged without endangering yourself and others. Get more mobile phone safety tips.

Communicate with other drivers

Basic car courtesy is easy but it’s also very important. Be sure to turn on your signals before turns, pulling over, picking up kids, turning on your hazard lights.