Taking Photos Of Your Paintless Dent Repair Work
Taking photos of your paintless dent repair work should be effortless. It is very important to always have ways for future clients to see your work. You may be the best pdr (paintless dent repair) technician out there, but you need to pictures to prove it. Having a portfolio or reference book for your work is a must! Before and after photos are crucial to a paintless dent repair technicians “tool box.” Here are a few tips for taking effective photos and organizing them well…
1. If the photo is being taken outside (as opposed to in a garage etc.) make sure the sun is behind you. This will reduce glare that can change the look of the dent.
2. Take the photo from multiple angles. First head on, then looking down the panel that is dented. Finally take one from an angle to see the depth of the dent if possible.
3. Take the after photos from the same angles as the before shots to ensure a true before and after photo experience for your potential client.
4. It’s important to organize your photos in an album or binder. I suggest printing them out (pictures on a phone takes away from the full effect of the photos)and then adding them with captions like “hail damage on 2009 Nissan Altima.” If you are just starting out and don’t have many pictures, use a smaller travel album. This is easy to carry with you and it won’t be obvious that are not too many photos.
This process does not have to be expensive at all. There are websites that you can upload photos to that will print them for less than .15ȼ each and you can find albums for around $10. Whatever you spend on your portfolio think of it as an important investment in your paintless dent repair business.
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